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TruNews Interviews Matt Simmons on BP Oil Spill

June 30, 2010

Nick brings this interview with Matthew Simmons to our attention. It’s Simmons’ view on the gravity of the BP oil spill. Thank you, Nick.

Doubleclick on the video to go to Youtube and continue.

I start with part 2; part 1 is Rick Wiles’ intro, which is unnecessary to listen to to follow Matt.

According to Matt, everyone is relying on BP for information and “BP is lying through its teeth.” For fifty or sixty days, BP had control of the news.

Until two weeks ago, BP almost pulled off “the biggest scam in the world.” Although a Republican, he’s upset at Republican representing Obama as a communist for pushing on BP.

BP has pulled off an amazing PR job, he alleges. BP created the illusion that they were the only company in the world who had the technology to solve the problem, Matt says. But BP does not have the technology to clean the spill up. A lot of the clean-up effort is “smoke and mirrors.”

The actual oil leak or cauldron is ten miles away from where BP is letting on. BP has created the illusion that the spot where the riser is is the spill and it’s not. It’s a cover-up.

The casing is gone from the well and so the leak is running freely, Matt says. If we don’t shut it in, we’ll create the Dead Sea. (Remember that the galactics are ameliorating the spill and have promised to clean it up.)

There is fire coming out of the actual leak. Ships have not been able to get near it.  BP appears to have drilled into

With no casing in the hole, there is little chance the slant relief well will work, Matthew believes.

“Take politics out of this. Our government basically prepared [set up?] to deal with a crisis … unless you’re in the middle of a war. … There is not a wide body of people in Washington who understand this situation.”

“I think that if [Washington] does not charge some people with manslaughter, they’re highly remiss,” said Matt. “If you think that Watergate was something….”

Maconda was a troubled well from Day One.  The worst-case scenario will come when the hurricane hits Brownsville. The hurricane could veer north.  We’ve never had this kind of emergency before and are really left flat-footed, Matt says.

If you lived along the Gulf Coast what would you be doing right now? asked Rick Wiles. “Either evacuating or buying a gas mask.”  Clean-up crews spent 20 minutes near the gas and got sick. It’s a legal requirement when you’re near hydrogen sulfide to have a gas mask on your person. When an alarm goes off, you have 20 seconds to put it on.

The people on the oil rig had one second warning before it blew up. The man who moved the rig a quarter of a mile, allowing 120 people to jump off it, who then burned to death himself, should receive the Congressional Medal of Honor, Matt says.

All very tragic and troubling.

Matt says he’s taken a lot of crap for speaking up.

They were counting on the spill being Louisiana light. But it is asphetine (sp?). The dispersant has only added harm without doing any good.  But the dispersants are minor compared to the toxic crude.

Once again, read it checking its allegations with the “Ready-Reference Guide” for the galactic and spirit teachers comments on our situation.

The situation is grave but by no means hopeless.

Matt is a member of the National Petroleum Council and the Council on Foreign Relations, and an adviser to the Oil Depletion Analysis Centre.

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