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Moraine and Justine: Navigating the 4th

September 24, 2010

Navigating the 4th

Moraine and Justine through Mark Kimmel, Sept. 2, 2010,

Greetings: Today we wish to discuss the challenges you will face after you have raised your frequency to the 4th dimensions, after your existing structures and beliefs have disappeared, after the earth shifts are completed, and your lives have been vastly changed.

This is the moment when you will find yourselves in a love-dominated civilization. It will be exquisite if you allow yourselves to flow with the changes. We are offering this communication based on our experience on Supsten after we transitioned.

We see fear-based choices and actions gradually subsiding as love-based choices and actions replace them. This is an on-going process; one that will continue until love becomes the dominant way of being. Each human on Earth is being asked to choose whether they wish to move into this strange, new love-dominated culture. The summation of these many choices creates a new way of being, a new civilization.

There is a moment when you will shift from linear time to the “now.” One moment you are in linear time the next moment you are in the now. You will perceive that something has changed, in fact all has changed — for you will see all differently. So this is your first challenge. How will you navigate in this new way of perceiving, this new way of experiencing?

The second challenge has to do with your body, in that you will feel lighter. Old aches and pains will be gone. You will have perfect eyesight and hearing, and your touch will be extraordinarily sensitive. Things will smell so wonderful, and their taste will be glorious. This may be quite a pleasant shock. How will you accommodate yourself to this situation?

Many of your actions today are designed to avoid disease. In the 4th dimension, the diseases introduced by the dark energy are unknown. Your bodies will vibrate at a frequency that disease can no longer reside with them. Many of you have become attuned to living with physical disabilities and accosted by disease, how will you now function? How will you go about your new life without worrying about catching one disease or another.

Relationships are the next challenge. Everyone will perceive things a little differently. There will have been no conditioning as to how you are to perceive, no parents to coach you, no prescribed box in which you fit, no rules or regulations. It will be wonderful, but also quite disconcerting.

The next challenge is to manage telepathy, for you will have this marvelous gift after the shift to the 4th dimension. For the first time (for most of you), you will be able to communicate without words. You will merely think a message you wish to send to another and it will be transmitted. Others will be sending you messages also. In fact you will be receiving large numbers of messages simultaneously, and you may initially feel bombarded with the thoughts of others. Your first challenge will be to filter what you wish to receive and what you do not. Discrimination is the order of the day, then learning to manage what you wish to say to another.

Once you have mastered the basics of telepathy you can begin to establish relationships with other people. Keep in mind that everyone will be operating from a basis of love – this alone will be quite a change. There will be no judgments – after all everyone is in the same situation. How do you relate to someone who can receive your honest transmission without the filter of conventional politeness, without the filter of your emotions, or your choice of words?

We have spoken of the absence of fear. Today you are immersed in a fear-dominated paradigm. Almost all aspects of your current environment and many of your relationships are built on fear. Fear of being cold leads you to build shelters. Fear of being hungry leads you to purchase and store food. Fear of rejection inhibits your relationships or may cause you to purchase a certain product. Fear of poverty leads you to achieve and to save. Fear of authority determines your actions.

Many of your beliefs are fear based. Those who control you use fear as a major tactic. Fear is the basis for almost everything of your current civilization; no one lives without its effects. How will you react to the 4th dimension where there is no fear to constrain you or proscribe your actions?

One corollary of your fear-based society is that each of you has established a comfort zone in which you live your lives. You have your daily routines. You have your circle of friends and relatives. You have your favorite foods and drinks, and your favorite pastimes. Your comfort zone is the result of coping with a fear-dominated civilization. When you no longer living in your comfort zone, how will you react? Moving forward is an individual choice. Some will make this choice, others will not, as they find that their current situation is too comfortable and familiar to risk giving up.

If you are now highly conscious, elements of the new reality of which we speak may come upon you gradually, then one day you will wake up and all of it will be before you. It is not that you are un-prepared to deal with any one aspect of your new reality, it is that you will now deal with all of it simultaneously. We can attest from personal experience, that this will be quite challenging, as you can no longer fall back on old familiar ways of acting.

We have also spoken of the need for all manmade structures that are based on fear to disappear so that others may take their places. However, do not expect this to happen instantaneously. Supplanting existing constructs cannot happen quickly; constructs based on fear – governments, monetary systems, corporations, and religions – took many years to build. It will take time to reestablish loved-based versions of them. (More about this in a subsequent communication.) Likewise all beliefs that are fear based will disappear to make way for truth.

Will this transition be easy or quick? No. It will be gradual as individuals change. The mass of people changes only slowly, one person at a time. There will be no mass conversion to a basis of love. It will take place one individual at a time. Beliefs change slowly, not in an instant. Look at your own experience, Mark, it has taken several years for you to move from a fear-based individual to one based in love, and throughout this you were quite open to the whole process. You are a natural risk taker. For someone who is by his or her nature more cautious, change will come more slowly. So it is with the majority of the population; they are not risk takers. Only a small percentage of any population are leaders who will show the way.

Layer these factors of the transition onto the changes Earth is undertaking as she moves from a fossil fuel based civilization to one that does not puncture or gouge her skin, and you have the makings of the great transition in which Earth and all of you are engaged. It is any wonder that there was a waiting line to see who would incarnate at this moment? This is exciting stuff. The drama is intense as we watch it inch forward day by day.

The institute we are creating will allow us to come and assist humans to navigate in their new way of being, for the transition to a love based civilization will take some getting used to. For now we broadcast energy, walk among you working in select situations, and interact with selected people. In the future we wish to broaden this interaction and work with many to help them accommodate themselves to all the new things of which we have spoken.

3 Comments leave one →
  1. PeterW permalink
    September 24, 2010 9:41 am

    I do find this message somewhat reassuring in that there appears to be no requirement that we need to be perfectly attuned to living in a love-based culture before we ascend. There will be opportunities for us to acclimatise to the new way of life. The prime requirement would appear to be about having the will to go with the flow and to keep an open mind to all which comes our way. We don’t have to achieve perfection in order to be considered worthy of ascension.

  2. Vendo permalink
    September 24, 2010 8:54 am

    From what I’ve read this is only one of several opinions about the nature of the shift in terms of effect, duration, and dynamics. Personally, I just don’t see the slow and steady transformation scenario as altogether likely, at least not in relative terms.

  3. September 24, 2010 8:13 am

    Yes it truly is exciting we will be leaving the third dimension illusional world to enter into a new world with no more illusions?!!! How awesome is that?? this new existence will be full of Love and Light and a hole new mind set for the one’s who pass over out of the illusion world we all are living in the Now of 2010.